Henry Martyn Seely

SEELY, Henry Martyn, college prof.; b. South Onondaga, N.Y.. Oct. 2. 1828; s. Joseph Owen and Susanna (Stearns) Seely; Ph.B.. Yale, 1856 A.M.. 1860; M.D., Berkshire Med. Instn.. 1857; studied at Freiberg and Heidelberg, 1867-8; m. Adelaide E. Hamblin, of Perryville, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1858 (died Aug. 25, 1865); m. 2d, Sarah ,T. Matthews, of Fair Haven. Vt., June 11. 1867. Prof chemistry. Berkshire Med. Instn.. 1857-62. U. of Vt., 1860-7; prof, chemistry and natural history, 1861-92. natural history, 1892-5. emeritus prof., 1895. Middlebury Coll. Sec. Vt. Bd. of Agr., 1875-8; edited 3 vols, of reports. Prohibition candidate for gov. of Vt, 1886, 1888. Home: Middlebury, Vt

Page 956, “Who’s Who in New England,” Edited by Albert Nelson Marquis, Second Edition, 1916, A.N. Marguis & Company, Publishers, Chicago.

[Son of Joseph Owen Seely SGS # 3100 – Henry Martyn; Joseph Owen (SGS # 3100); Gideon; Gideon; John S.; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]