LEWIS SEELY was born in Elkhart County, Ind., June 8, 1830, son of Ephraim and Abigail (Funnels) Seely, and one of nine children, six of whom are yet living. Mr. and Mrs. Seely were natives of the State of New York, and at an early day came to Ohio, where they resided until 1829, when they emigrated to Elkhart County, Ind., entered a piece of land and engaged in agricultural pursuits. This family were among the very first settlers of the whole country. From Elkhart County they moved to Milford Township, La Grange County, and after a number of years to Orange Township, Noble County, where Mr. Seely died in August, 1865, and Mrs. Seely in September, 1877. They were honest, industrial people, and an honor to the community. Lewis Seely resided with his parents, assisting them until his marriage with Fidella Collins, daughter of Barten Collins, which occurred in 1856. Mr. Seely received a common-school education, and after his marriage, resided in Milford Township, La Grange County, until 1865, when he came to his present place. He owns 160 acres of well-improved land. They have had three children – Thirza, Charles and Meta. Mr. Seely is a Republican, and a wide-awake, enterprising citizen.

Pages 397-398, “Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana” published F.A. Battey & Co. Chicago, 1882.

[Son of Ephraim SGS # 3453 – Lewis, Ephraim (SGS # 3453); David; David; Charles; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]