Philip H. Seely

PHILIP H. SEELY, farmer and justice of the peace, P.O. Beach Haven, was born in Salem township February 23, 1835, and is a son of Jacob and Leah (Keen) Seely. His paternal grandfather, John Seely, was a native of Penn township, Sussex Co., N.J., and a son of Michael Seely; both settled in Salem township in 1801. Michael was a farmer, and a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and had three sons—John, Samuel and Jacob—besides several daughters. John was a farmer, spent most of his life in Salem township, and died in 1855 in Fairmount township. He married Mary Weltz, and his children were five in number: Jacob, Desire (Mrs. Samuel Pollock), Elsie (Mrs. David Cope), Mary (Mrs. Henry Harmon) and Huldah (Mrs. Adam Driesbach). The father of our subject was the only son that grew to maturity, and was born in Salem township July 24, 1803. He cleared a farm, spent all his life in Salem township with the exception of ten years residence in Fairmount township, and died May 30, 1874. He married Leah, daughter of Frederick and Mary (Stump) Keen, of Salem township, by whom he had eleven children who grew to maturity: Frederick K., John W., Samuel P., Philip H., Edwin C., Martha A. (Mrs. Dr. J. E. Patterson), Rachel (Mrs. Thomas E. Edwards), Leah D. (Mrs. M. W. Hess), Henry J., Minerva J. (wife of Wilson Hess) and Cecelia E. (Mrs. C. B. Smithers). Our subject was reared in Salem township, educated in the common schools, and prior to 1876 was engaged in merchandising in Fairmount township, boating on canal, and also milling. Since 1876 he has been engaged in farming in Salem township. He was in the Civil war, having enlisted September 3, 1864, in Company D, One Hundred and Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was honorably discharged June 28, 1865. He married on July 4, 1876, Sarah E., daughter of Solomon and Mary (Bloss) Harmon, of Salem township, and has eight children: Jacob A., Bertha V., Mary A., Thomas K., Sarah M., Leah M., Philip H. and Martha H. Mr. Seely is an attendant of the Lutheran Church; he is a member of the F. & A.M., R.A.M., K.T. and G.A.R. He was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1881-82, and is now serving his second term as justice of the peace of Salem township; in politics he is a Republican.

“History of Luzerne County Pennsylvania,” Part II Biographical Sketches, H.C. Bradsby, editor, published by S.B. Nelson & Co., 1893.

[Son of Jacob SGS # 3463 – Philip H.; Jacob (SGS # 3463); John, Michael; John; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]

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