1860 U.S. CENSUS -California, San Francisco County

 - Page 341 - The 1st District, in the County of
 - San Francisco, Post Office San Francisco, California
 - Enumerated on the 3rd day of August, 1860
 - Dwelling Number  2783, Family Number 3080 - Line 36
 - Chamber Street Boarding House enumerated from lines 8 - 40
Enumerator did not enter anything  in item 6 - Color - all individuals were blank
Name: Edwd Seely
Age/Sex/Color: 32/ M/
Occupation of each Male Person over 15 years of age: Mariner
Place of Birth: N.Y.
 - Page 366 - The 1st District, in the County of
 - San Francisco, Post Office San Francisco, California
 - Enumerated on the 13th day of August, 1860
 - Dwelling Number  2800, Family Number 3184 - Line 11
- Steamer "Sophie M. Land" enumerated from lines 1 - 10
- No notation in margin for lines 11-40, all male mariner type occupations, all in the same dwelling,
Enumerator only entered in item 6 - Color  - B or M - most individuals were blank


Name: Thos. W. Seely
Age/Sex/Color: 37/ M/
Occupation of each Male Person over 15 years of age: Master Mariner
Place of Birth: N.Y.