Mary Eliza Green

Mrs. Horace A. Green

After a patient suffering of two years, Mrs. Horace A. Green was called to her long looked for rest on Thursday evening, June 20. The funeral was held from the home of her son, Arthur Green, Sunday afternoon, Rev. Brass of Walled Lake officiating. She was laid to rest beside her three children in North Farmington cemetery.

During her long suffering the same characteristic smile, cheerful face and kindly word follow her to the end. She was always more thoughtful of her friends and those about her than of herself. At the funeral the house and yard were filled with friends who were exchanging expressions of a “well spent life,” casting happiness and sunshine, not only in her own family, but within the large acquaintance of friends which she enjoyed.

To mourn her loss are her husband, Horace A., whose health has been somewhat impaired, but bears up nobly, with her son, Arthur, and her daughter, Mrs. Grace Halsted; her brothers, Major Seeley of Springfield, Ill.; Charley Seeley and wife of Fargo, North Dakota; W.P. Seeley and wife of Walled Lake; Bert Seeley and wife of Pontiac, and her sister, Mrs. Dewitt Parshall, and husband of Wayne, who were all present at the last.

The deceased was born March 21, 1845.

Published in the Farmington Enterprise and Observer

[Granddaughter of SGS # 1963 - Mary Eliza; Edward Harger; William Pease (# 1963); John (# 611); Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]