Charles E. Seeley


Charles E. Seeley

Charles E. Seeley, 45 years old, 14 Theuren Park, Watertown, formerly of this city and Leominster died at St. Elizabeth’s hospital, Brighton, late yesterday after a short illness caused by a cerebral hemorrhage.

He was born in this city, son of James M. and Mrs. Mary T. (Ryan) Seeley, and for years was employed as gas fitter by the Fitchburg Gas & Electric Co. and also the Leominster & Electric Light & Gas Co. He had been in business for himself in Watertown for about 10 years.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lena E. (Degen) Seeley; two daughters, Misses Mary A. and Bernice Seeley, of Watertown; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Seeley of this city; five sisters, Mrs. Sidney Shaddick, Watertown; Mrs. Henry P. Casey, Fitchburg; Mrs. Roy E. Turcotte, New Haven, Conn.; Mrs. Harold A. Taylor, Erving; and Miss Esther M. Seeley of this city; two brothers, Walter B. Leominster and Edward B. Seeley of this city.

The funeral will be from the John R. Smith funeral home Friday, with a high mass of requiem at St. Bernard’s church at 9 a.m. Burial will be in St. Bernard’s cemetery.

Published in the Fitchburg Sentinel (Fitchburg, Massachusetts) Wednesday, May 11, 1938