Charles H. Seeley

Charles H. SEELEY died at his home in Forksville, Tuesday Feb. 28, aged 62 years. The funeral and interment will be at Forksville on March 3 with Masonic honors. He was born in Clinton, Oneida Co., NY. He served as a member of the 126th Rev. NY Volunteer Infantry and served in the VA campaigns. In 1873 he located in Towanda and embarked in the hotel business, building what is now known as the Ochs House. In 1890/1 he retired to his farm near Vestal, NY. In 1893, he purchased the Forksville House. He was one of the heaviest men in the state, tipping the scales at 437 pounds. A wife and son survive.

Published in The Sullivan Review, March 2, 1899

The casket in which the late Major SEELEY, of Forksville, was laid to rest was the largest and most expensive ever brought to Sullivan Co. It was of red cedar, lined with copper, sealed air tight, covered outside with broadcloth, and inside with cream satin. The inside dimensions were 6 feet 3 inches long, 36 inches wide and 24 inches in height, while the ten silver handles were wrought with Masonic emblems. It was necessary to enlarge one of the windows before the casket could be taken from the house. The undertaking arrangements were in charge of Mr. Charles Haight of Wright & Haight.

Published in The Sullivan Review, March 16, 1899