Floyd W. Seeley



His Father, J.A. Seeley, Notified That Body Will Arrive From Overseas About Oct. 6

John A. Seeley, who resides on R.D. 2, Townville, received a telegram from the war department, announcing that the body of his son, Private Floyd W. Seeley, is expected to arrive in New York city on or about Oct. 6. Mr. Seeley wired to have the remains shipped to Titusville and upon their arrival arrangements will be made for the funeral and interment with military honors.

Floyd W. Seeley was born in Troy Township on Feb. 29, 1896 and always lived at home until he was called into the service in the fall of 1917. He left Titusville with the first draft contingent for Camp Lee on Sept. 19, 1917 and went overseas early in the spring of 1918, as a member of Company A, 313 Machine Gun Battalion. He participated in all of the fighting with that battalion until he was wounded at the outset of the Argonne-Meuse offensive started late in September 1918 and died on Oct. 5, 1918 from wounds received in action. He was buried in the American Battle Area cemetery at Nantillios, France.

Private Seeley was a popular young man in the community where he was born and raised and a member of the Troy Center Grange. Besides his father, he is survived by three brothers, Ralph R. and Walter L. Seeley both of Troy township and Jacob L. Seeley of Oil City.

The American Legion will have charge of the military funeral services, the time and place of which will be announced after the arrival of the body.

Published in the Titusville Herald, October 1, 1921 page 5

[Lineage: Floyd W.; John Alva; William Arthur; Alva; Samuel; Unknown]