Myron Seeley

Former Resident of Mitchell County Dies in Minnesota

Funeral services were held at Little Cedar Tuesday, April 15, for Myron Seeley of Osakis, Minnesota, formerly of Mitchell county. The Rev. Milton Nothdurft officiated at the services in the M.E. church and burial was in the family lot at Little Cedar. Myron DeForest Seeley was born June 4, 1877, in Mitchell county. He lived there until 1914 when he moved to Douglas country, Minnesota. On November 17, 1904, he was married to Edith May Bird at Mitchell. Ten children were born to this union, Mr. Seeley was a man who always thought of his family first and he was a helpful and kind neighbor. He belonged to the Baptist church at Little Cedar all his life. Surviving are eight children; DeForest and Merle of Spokane, Washington, Claude and Mrs. Donald Barber of Montrose, California, Clyde of Indianola, Illinois, Wayne, Mrs. Erwin Schuldt and Mrs. Kenneth Jones of Osakis, Minnesota; four sisters, Mrs. Charles Crangle of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Myrtle Doane of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mrs. Frank Burden of Delvan, Illinois, and Miss Verna Seeley of Fergus Falls, Minnesota; and seven grandchildren. His wife, two

children, parents, one sister and one brother preceded him in death.

Published in unknown newspaper April 1947

Little Cedar - Funeral services were here Tuesday for Myron Seeley, who died at his home at Osakis, Minnesota, Wednesday of last week; farmed near here a number of years, later moving to Osakis; two brothers-in-law reside near here, Walter Bird, Osage, and Roy Bird, Riceville; a sister Mrs. Myrtle Doane, accompanied the body here and is a guest at the Ellsworth Emerson home; burial will be in Liberty township cemetery at Little Cedar.

Published in unknown newspaper