Pearl Ora Seely

Mrs. Pearl Ora Morehead Seely, 74 of Grand Valley, RD 1, died at 5:10 p.m. yesterday at the Titusville Hospital, following a short illness.

She was born Jan 26, 1886, in Newtontown, to Joseph and Mary Kighlinger Morehead. On Aug. 9, 1909, in Meadville she married E. Burl Seely, who died Oct. 8, 1943.

Surviving are the following children: Mrs. Ula Johnson of Youngsville, Mrs. Louella Gilson of Grand Valley, RD 1, Mrs. Louise Stufflebeam of Grand Valley, RD 2, Mrs. Ila Moronski of Pittsfield, RD 2, Mrs. Bessie Cornell of Grand Valley, and Mrs. Bertena Anderson, of Pleasantville. She is also survived by one foster son, Kenneth Brewster of Washington, D.C., nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

The body will be removed this afternoon from the Tracy Funeral Home to the home of daughter, Mrs. Louise Stufflebeam, Grand Valley, RD 1, where friends may call until Monday. The body will then be taken to the Excelsior Church on the Spring Creek Road, where the service will be held at 7:30 p.m. with Rev. Rex Meleen officiating. Interment will be in Excelsior Cemetery.

Published in the Titusville Herald, July 9, 1960 page 5

Mrs. E. Burl Seely

The funeral service for Mrs. Pearl Seely was held yesterday at the Excelsior Church on the Spring Creek Road. Rex Meleen of Oswego, N.Y., officiated, assisted by Rev. William Haslett, pastor of the Excelsior Church.

Rev. Meleen read the hymns, “Homesick for Heaven” and “I Want to be Ready to Meet Him.” Interment followed in the church cemetery. The following were pallbearers: Edward Gesin, Gleo Haehn, Floyd Wright, Paul Reynolds, Benton VanGuilder and Robert Frew.

The church was filled to capacity for the funeral, and there were many floral tributes.

Published in the Titusville Herald, July 12, 1960 page 5

[Lineage – Wife of Ery Burl; William Arthur; Alva; Samuel; Unknown]