2004 Query Listings

Listing of submitted Queries:

Feb. - May - Aug. - Nov.

Query Number:  0411-10 Sylvia Seeley
Query Date:  11-00-2004
Requested Info:

Donna contacted us wondering if we could help her find information on a Sylvia Seeley who married a William Montgomery and lived in Rochester, Monroe, Co., NY. She has encountered Sylvia Montgomery listed as "mother" b. in VT in various censuses with the family of Daniel Leary and his wife Caroline W. Montgomery and their children.

Requester: Donna Gardiner
Requester Address: donnalor@erols.com

      Response Info: November 2004
According to The Sixth Generation Families of Nathaniel Seeley, Sylvia Seeley is a 7th generation descendant of Robert Seeley through his son Nathaniel. She is listed as SGS # 758, 1st born child (1806) of Abel Seelye (b. 18 December 1783, Arlington, VT) and his wife Edith Montgomery (b. 1797; d. 9 June 1863, Arlington, VT). SGS information is that she married William Montgomery of Rochester, NY who died before 1842.
Responder:From: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0411-9 Richard Seeley Reeves
Query Date: 10-15-2004
Requested Info:

SGS has been contacted and asked if we can identify Richard Seeley Reeves b. 26 May 1823 in Canton, Salem Co. NJ as a Seeley descendant. He m. Sarah Ann Bennett 26 April 1849 and he d. 8 Oct. 1900.

Both are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Camden, NJ.

Requester Address:shirley.h@rcn.com

Query Number: 0411-8 Martin Seeley
Query Date: 10-15-2004
Requested Info:

Donna wants to find information on her great-great grandfather and grandmother.

They were Martin and Liddy Seeley. The only information Terry found is a Martin Seelye, born 25 Oct 1814 in Pownal, Vermont that married a Lydia Perkins.

Donna's information is from the census:
Liddy Seeley in the 1870 Michigan census, Locke twp., Ingham Co., MI: Liddy Seeley, housekeeping, age 54. NY.

Also a David Seeley, Farmer, age 30. This was above Liddy's name, but she is sure it was a son.

Under Liddy's name were these names, all Seeley's: Delano, age 19, Pa.; Thomas D. age 16, Pa.; Susan A., age 14, Mi.; Tallman A., age 12, Mi.Harriet, age 10. Mi.. Tallman is her GGrandfather and changed his name to John. Was also called Jack.

In the 1860 MI census, Locke twp., Ingham Co., MI there is a M. Seely (looks like), age 50,PA; L. Seely, age 41, PA.; Children: D. age 30, PA.; C., age 18, PA. A., age 16, PA.; D., age 9, PA.;T., age 7,PA.; ?., age 4, MI., B., age 2., MI.

Donna has information that the M. is for Martin.

So, does anyone have information on a Martin Seeley born about 1810 in PA or any suggestions for Donna?

Requester: Donna J. Cole
Requester Address: thecoles44@netzero.com.

Query Number: 0411-7 Daniel Seeley (Descendants of Daniel Seely (1823-1899)
Query Date: 10-05-2004
Requested Info:

Patty Theurer at seymour784@yahoo.com, does not know the ancestors of her Daniel Seely. She has a genealogy webpage at "http://www.geocities.com/seymour784/" that links to Daniel Seely Descendants List which contains the descendants of Daniel Seely (1823-1899). She descends through Daniel's son Willis A. Seely. SGS was unable to find this Daniel Seely in the 3 SGS publications or in the Seeley Ancestor File Index so perhaps this may be a Seely line that is new to SGS.

Daniel Seely was born Sept. 7, 1823 in Oswego, New York and died May 25, 1899 in Wittenberg, WI. He is buried at Riverside cemetery in Iola, Waupaca county, WI. This information comes from the county Registration of Deaths, of which I have a copy.

Daniel married Mary O. Blaisdell McCorison Sept. 16, 1851 in Ostrander, Waupaca county, WI. She died Oct. 28, 1899 in Iola and is also buried at Riverside cemetery. I have photos of their stones.

From Standard History of Waupaca County, Wisconsin by John M. Ware, 1917

On November 28, 1888, he (Joseph B. Jones) married Miss Alice Seely. Mrs. Jones was born in New London, Waupaca County, February 8, 1866, a daughter of Daniel and Mary (Blazdall) Seely. Her father was born in New York in 1823 and her mother in the State of Maine in 1824. Daniel Seely came to Wisconsin at a very early day, and was married in the county in 1851. He and his wife had eight children: Sarah, Frank, William, Willis, Mary, Ambrose, Alice and Edith. The four oldest are now deceased. Mrs. Jones' mother was first married to Moses McCoisen, and there were four children of that union: Orin, George, Orris and Franklin, three of whom are deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have a family of four children, their names being Edna, Edgar, Alice and Ursula.

The family can be found on the 1860 census in Hortonia, Outagamie county,
Wisconsin. The last name is spelled 'Seeley'.

The family can be found on the 1870 census in New London, Waupaca county,
Wisconsin. The last name is spelled ' Seiley'.

Census Place: Iola, Waupaca, Wisconsin-1880
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
Daniel SEELY Self M M W 56 NY
Occ: Miller Fa: NY Mo: NY
Mary SEELY Wife F M W 56 ME
Occ: Keeping House Fa: ME Mo: ME
Mary J. SEELY Dau F S W 19 WI
Occ: Dressmaker Fa: NY Mo: ME
Alice SEELY Dau F S W 14 WI
Occ: At School Fa: NY Mo: ME
Edith SEELY Dau F S W 11 WI
Occ: At Home Fa: NY Mo: ME

Notes for Willis A. Seely

Census Place: Clintonville, Waupaca, Wisconsin-1880
Source: FHL Film 1255451 National Archives Film T9-1451 Page 84C
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
Willis SEELY Self M M W 21 WI
Occ: Works Saw Mill Fa: ME Mo: ME
Tryphena SEELY Wife F M W 22 MI
Occ: Keeping House Fa: ME Mo: ME

1900 Census - Wittenberg, Shawano Co., Wisconsin
W. A. Seely, b. Aug 1858, WI., age 41, married 21yrs, Occ: Filer (sawmill),
FA: Maine, MO: Maine
Tryphena Seely, b. July 1858 MI, age 41, married 21 yrs, 7 children, 5 living, FA: Maine, MO: Vermont
Stella Seely, b. Sep 1882 WI, age 17, single
Luva Seely, b. Oct 1884 WI, age 15, single
Birdie, b. July 1886 WI, age 13 single
Orin Seely, b. Mar 1888 WI, age 12, single
Clara Seely, b. Aug 1893 WI, age 6, single

Willis is buried at the Graceland cemetery in Clintonville, WI. His wife remarried and died in Washington.

I do have some early photos from this family if those are of any interest.


Requester Address:

Query Number: 0411-6 Frank J. Seeley
Query Date: 09-20-2004
Requested Info:

I am a direct of Frank J. Seeley, and am attempting to determine his link to other Seeley families.

Frank J. Seeley was born June 1824 or possibly 1825 in Pennsylvania, and died in 1905.

He married Jeanette Catherine Stetson, July 4, 1849, daughter of John Stetson and Mary (Mina) Peck.

She was born January 10, 1829 in Westfield, New York conflict with October 1, 1829, and died September 12, 1898 and buried in East Ripley Cemetery, September 20, 1898.

Children of Frank Seeley and Jeanette Stetson are:
1. Eliza, b.1850 (Penn.)
2. Julia, b. Dec. 10, 1852 (Penn.)
3. Sarah, b. 1853 (Penn.)
4. Frank, b. 1856 (N Y)
5. Janet, b. 1858 (Penn.)
6. Warren, b. 1860 (NY)
7. John, b. 1864 (NY)
8. Mary, b. 1866 (NY)
9. George, b. 1869 ((NY)

I found Frank Seely (age 55) and Jeanette (age 50) with the 3 youngest children in the 1880 census for Ripley, Chatauqua Co. NY. It shows Frank b. in PA but his father b. in NY and his mother in Ireland. Jeanette's parents are both b. in NY.

If you have further information on Frank J. Seeley, please let me know.

Requester: Gerry L. Reynolds
Requester Address:gl.reynolds@comcast.net

Response Info:

November 2004
I found records for Frank Seely (age 55) and Jeanette (age 50) with the 3 youngest children in the 188- census for Ripley, Chatauqua County, NY. It shows Frank b. in PA but his father b. in NY and his mother in Ireland.

Jeanette's parents are both b. in NY. Frank does not appear in the SGS database.

Responder:Linda Crocker

Response Info:

February 2005
Walter Seeley sent Gerry (the query submitter) contact information for a current Seeley resident of Ripley, NY, residence of Frank J. Seeley and family. No further information:

Responder:SGS Newsletter

Query Number: 0411-5 - Esther Ann and Reuby Seeley
Query Date: 09-18-2004
Requested Info:

Asking for information on the following:
Esther Ann Seeley
b. 28 Sept. 1821 Ohio
d. 1 July 1869 Bristol, Elkhart, Ind. Buried St. Johns
md.  19 Sept. 1841  Goshen,  Ind.
James Salisbury
b. 14 Mar 1803 Otsego, NY
d. 16 Apr. 1857 New Buffalo, Berrien, Mich.

There is also another line of mine that lived right next door to them in the 1850-60 census.

The wife's maiden name was Reuby  Seeley.   She was related to Esther Ann  probably an Aunt.

Reuby Seeley
b. 30 June 1797 Pa ( Bradford Co.)
d. 17 Feb. 1887 Creston, Union, Iowa Buried Graceland Cem. Lot 19,  Creston
md. 2 Feb 1818 Franklin, Ohio
Edward William Benton
b. Vt
d. 1841 Elkhart

Requester: Judy Kindall

Query Number: 411-4 Elizabeth Seeley
Query Date: 07-31-2004
Requested Info:

I want  to know if you have any further information about an Elizabeth Seeley b. 1634 Norwalk, Fairfield Co., CT and married 8 Jun 1655 in Norwalk to Matthias St John.

Matthias and Elizabeth had 4 children (surname St. John).

Requester: Steve Hollands
Requester Address:Tacoma Park, MD 20912.

Query Number:411-3 Charles R. Seely
Query Date:07-29-2004
Requested Info:

I research Captain John Manning.  I am aware of the document that mentions that Mary Seeley was a brother (he means a sister) to Captain John Manning.  However, I have never been able to uncover anymore on Mary or John's parents or siblings.  Does anyone researching the Seeley family have any further information.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please let me know if you have any information for Frank beyond what is found in the Generations One thru Five volume

Through my research, I think Mary is a Maverick rather than a Manning.

John Manning's first wife was Abigail Maverick. It is possible that Abigail's sister Mary, who married first a James Parker, may have subsequently married a Mr. Walker, been widowed again and then married Robert Seeley. Mary might then have still referred to John Manning as a "brother" as he was her brother-in-law when married to her sister.

Requester: Frank Martin
Requester Address:frankmanning@sbcglobal.net

Response Info:

November 2004
We are grateful to Frank Manning for sharing his research with us. We still don't have definite proof as to the identity of Mary and any help from our members would be most welcome.


Query Number: 0411-2 - Hiram H. SEELYE
Query Date:07-25-2004
Requested Info:

My grandmother's half aunt Lucile Henrietta HENESS married a physician named Hiram H. SEELYE in New Haven CT. in 1888.  

According to his marriage record he was born 1856 in Hudson Falls, Washington, NY.  They lived in Amherst, MA in 1900 & moved to Key West, FL by 1910.

They had two children: Priscilla H. (1889) & Seth H. (1891).  According to the SSDI, Seth may have married a woman named Grace & died in Spartenburg, SC in 1978.

I wondered if you had anything in your files about the ancestors of Hiram SEELYE or his children Priscilla and Seth?

Requester:Margot Cahalane Hayes
Requester Address:EmjayHayes@aol.com

Response Info:

November 2004
John Seely was able to identify Hiram as a ninth generation Nathaniel descendant, the son of Edward Eli Seeley (SGS # 2070). Hiram graduated from Amherst in 1879 and is noted in the Amherst Biographical Record.

Using this information Margot found Edward Eli with his wife Priscilla and children Hiram and Mary in the 1860 census for Schenectady, NY. Edward is listed as an R.P.D. clergyman. Does anyone know what those initials stand for? Margot is sending her information on the children of Hiram and Lucile to be added to the SGS database.

Responder:From: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0411-1 Almira SEELYE
Query Date: 07-20-2004
Requested Info:

I am currently searching for the parents of my ancesters Almira (Almyra) Jane SEELYE born 4 March 1817 in Albany, NY, died 4 July 1888 who married Walter Perrin BELKNAP (b. 9 Sept. 1814 Randolph, Orange, VT d. 14 Jan 1885) on 29 June 1836 in Albany, NY according to contributors to LDS.  They indicated Almira's father was John SEELYE and her mother was named Susan.  Then I found a record of a John SEELYE Jr. m. Susan Witt in your database.  Next I found the following Rochester NY cemetery record.

http://www.rootsweb.com/~nymonroe/cem/mthope-s.htm  Re Susan WITT and John SEELYE

SEELYE, Charles E. ; May 12, 1839 - Mar 10, 1913 [F]
John; Dec. 25, 1793 - April 1883 [C5]
Sarah M.; June 13, 1839 - May 31. 1921 [F]
Susan WITT; May 15, 1790 - Oct. 26, 1875 [C5]

I would like to ask if you have any information on the descendants of John SEELYE Jr. 1793 - 1883 and Susan WITT?  If so, could you please share it with me.

Also, he is number 2216 in the 8th generation descendants of Robert SEELEY, and I would like to connect him with his parents in the 7th generation.  Many thanks for any help you can provide.

Shawn Thornsberry

Requester: ShawnThornsberry
Requester Address: s_thornsberry@hotmail.com

Response Info:

November 2004
John Seelye is SGS #2216 (page 30 of The Seventh Generation Families of Nathaniel Seeley). Dan Seelye has sent Shawn a file on John Seelye's ancestry. Shawn would still like help finding information about Almira and her siblings.

Responder:From: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0408-4 Asenith (Asenath) Seeley, SGS# 1412
Query Date:07-06-2004
Requested Info: I am trying to verify that my ancestor, William Loomis is the son of your Asenith Seeley and her 1st husband William Loomis. Does anyone have information beyond what is listed in The Sixth Generation Book about Asenith such as her birthplace, place of marriage to William or any other information on either of her marriages or any of her children?

I have also been in touch with a Loomis cousin who has had DNA tested to match a known descendant of Samuel Loomis, an ancestor of William Loomis. She has also compared the results to those published in the Seeley newsletter

Requester:Jeanette Loomis Hagan
Requester Address:rcjlhagan@aol.com

Query Number: 0408-3 Charles R. Seely
Query Date: 06-02-2004
Requested Info:

Hello again.

I have placed queries before but I am still looking for information on Charles R. Seely b. in OH in 1851. He married Margaret M. Kershner 14 Oct 1880 in Osage Co. KS. Margaret Kershner was b. Nov. 1859 in VA or WV to Jonathan and Rebecca Kershner. Charles and Margaret (aka Maggie) had 3 children: Oliver Cromwell Seely b. 21 Oct. 1881, Arthur b. Apr. 1885 in KS, and Shonda who d. abt 1890, age 2.

In Nov. 1931 Charles and Maggie were living in Liberty, Clay Co. MO. There is no death record for either of them in MO and I haven't found them elsewhere.

I am descended from Oliver and have information on that part of the family. Can anyone identify the parents of Charles?

Requester:Rebecca Spence
Requester Address: Stotts City, Mo 65756

Response Info:

Descendants of: Charles SEELY
m. Maggie KERSHNER
Arthur C Seely
b. 30 Apr 1884 d. 10 Apr 1955

Date of Death: 4/10/1955 @ 3 am
Place of Death: home
Residence: 393 Sierra Way, San Bernardino
Occupation: kitchen helper Industry: cafe
Age: 70 Sex: M Race/Color: white
Marital Status: D
yrs in community: 13
Place of Birth: Kansas Date of Birth: 4/30/1884
Social Security #: 562-10-7306 Citizen: USA Military: no
Father's Name & Birthplace: Charles Seely - unk
Mother's Name & Birthplace: Maggie Kershner - unk
Cause of Death: [covered]
Disposition: cremation Date: 4/12/55
Cemetery: Mt View Cemetry
Funeral Director: Grove Colonial Mortuary
Informant: Oliver Seely
Date Filed: 4/12/55 Book: 174 Page: 132

Compiled for: Chris Havnar e-mail: jchavnar@sbcglobal.net
Transcription provided by: C A Richardson 
San Bdno, Calif 92407 e-mail: SB_GenAngel@hotmail.com
Date Furnished: 5/17/2002
Mt View says he was a cremation only and not interred there.

Responder:Daniel Seelye

Response Info:

Update to Query 0408-3 Re: Charles R Seely

The original submitter, Rebecca (Becky) Spencer (beckyspencersportsnut@yahoo.com), was in touch with us to share death information on Charles’s wife, Margaret Kershner. Becky found a cemetery record on Findagrave.com, showing that Margaret died 29 May 1946 at the I.O.O.F. Hospital, Liberty Twp., Clay, MO. An obituary for Margaret stated that her husband had died there several years earlier. Chris Havnar and I had recently done some research on this family. Chris found Margaret’s cemetery record and also a tombstone recorded in the same cemetery for C.R. Seely (1851-1933). Unfortunately, we cannot find a corresponding death record. However, we did find more information on Charles.
1850 census Lebanon, Meigs, OH
??Seely, Peter, age 21, laborer, b. OH
??Seely, Lydia, age 20, b. VA
??Seely, Ellen, age 3, Shepherd, age 1, both b. OH

Civil War Pensions
??Lydia Seely filed for a widow's pension on 28 Nov 1862, saying husband Pitt Seely served in Co. D, 59th Indiana Infantry

US Register of Deaths of Volunteers
??Pitt Sealy, Serg, Co. 10, 59th reg't, d. 14 Apr 1862, Reg't Hospital

1860 census Washington, Greene, IN
??Sealey, Pitt, age 33, farmer, b. OH
??Sealey, Liddia, age 33, b. VA
??Sealey, Elenor, age 12, Shepard F., age 10, Charley E., age 9, Dudley N., age 7, all b. OH

??Dudley W., son of P. and L. Seely, d. 29 Dec 1866, age 14 yrs., 4 mos, 7 days. bur. Bogard Cemetery, Newberry, Greene, IN

??Elenor Seely, md. William A. Hawkins, 4 Feb 1864

??Elenor Seely Hawkins, b. 13 Dec 1847, Greene Co., IN, d. 5 Apr 1885, Coffey Co., KS, wife of William A. Hawkins, mother of 3 sons, bur. Rock Creek Cemetery, Waverly, Coffey, KS

I did not find any more information on Shepherd Seely. Pitt Seely is a son of SGS# 3144 Thomas Seely, b. 1800/01, Washington Co., OH, d. 1871, Greene Co., IN. The line is Pitt, Thomas (3144), Thomas, Abijah, John S., Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah


Query Number: 0408-2 Samuel Brown Seeley
Query Date: 06-02-2004
Requested Info:

I am looking for any information on the family of Samuel Brown SEELEY (b 27 Mar 1838) and Martha DEPEW (b 6 May 1839).  Information as follows:

Samuel Brown SEELEY
b 27 Mar 1838  Mallet Creek, Medina, Ohio
d 25 Jul 1881   Whitewater Twp., Grand Traverse, Michigan
mar 29 Mar 1858  Mattel Creek, Medina, Ohio
Martha DEPEW
b 6 May 1839  Rockland Co., New York
d 24 Nov 1905 Williamsburg, Grand Traverse, Michigan


Wendall Emerson SEELEY
b 4 Apr 1858 Litchfield, Medina, Ohio
mar Abt 1878 to Hattie

b 1862  Ohio

b 1863  Ohio

b 1865  Ohio

b 1866  Ohio

b 1870 Michigan

Martha Estelle SEELEY  (my ancestor)
b 29 Jan 1872  Williamsburg, Grand Traverse, Michigan
d 23 Jul 1945  Cannonsburg, Kent, Michigan
mar 1888  (prob Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan to
Fred C. HALL b (1860-1870 in Rochester, Monroe, New York)

b 1874  Michigan

b 1875  Michigan

Albertha SEELEY
b 1877  Michigan

b 1879  Michigan

Any information on any of these people or extensions or spouses would be greatly  appreciated. This HALL family is particularly illusive and I would LOVE to extend both these families.

Thank you for your help.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Requester: Gail Jensen
Requester Address:JensenG@ldsmail.net - Pleasant View UT 84414

Response Date:09-21-2004
Response Info:

I saw your question in the latest SGS newsletter...  My Seeley ancestors were living in Medina County, OH, in the period that you've asked about. I don't know whether we're related, but I did bookmark various web documents about Seeleys in Medina County, including the county's census pages. I checked the 1850 census for Medina County, and in York Township, which includes Mallet Creek, I found the following family:

Seeley	Jessie		42 M	Farmer  3,000   NY 
Seeley	Prudence	44 F			NY 
Seeley	Marietta	19 F			NY 
Seeley	John		18 M			NY 
Seeley	Esther		16 F			NY 
Seeley	Caroline	16 F			NY 
Seeley	Elizabeth	15 F			NY 
Seeley	Allen		13 M			NY 
Seeley	Sam'l.		12 M			Oh 
Seeley	Geo.  		11 M			Oh 
Seeley	Hermon        	 9 M			Oh 
Seeley	Emma J.      	 8 F			Oh 
Seeley	Niroon    	 5 M			Oh 
Seeley	Nathan     	 4 M			Oh
Seeley	David   	 2 M			Oh
Seeley	Cha's.		2/12 M			Oh

Samuel Brown Seeley would have been 12 in 1850, so this looks like a match. For details, see:
-- page 421B, line 22.

A 'Jessie Saley' appears in the 1840 census for York Township.  See
-- page 260, line 8.


Donn Seeley - donn@xmission.com

Response Info:

November 2004
With the above information John Seely was able to identify Jessie (Jesse) in the SGS database. Jesse Seeley is a son of David Seeley (SGS # 1993) and Ursula Sweetman. Jesse was b. 8 August 1808 in Carlisle, Schoharie, NY and d. 9 January 1888 in Mallet Creek.

Responder:From: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0408-1 James Seely #520
Query Date:06-02-2004
Requested Info:

I am researching the Drake surname in Orange,Cayuga, Seneca, and Steuben Counties in New York. I have been looking for a James Seely who married a Galloway. This James Seely's daughter was named Betsey Elizabeth Seely. She married Francis Drake April 9, 1808 First Presbyterian Church, Romulus, New York and lived in Ovid, Seneca Co. and Dansville, Steuben Co., NY. Her great grandson left letters concerning the names of her father and last name of her mother. I believe that the James Seely you have listed married to a Galloway are her parents. Francis Drake and Betsey Elizabeth Seely had the following children that we know of. We believe that there may have been three other daughters and at least one other son.

Francis Peter Drake ca 1800
James Seely Drake ca 18112
George W. Drake ca 1814
Thaddius Drake ca
Jonas Drake
Mary Drake
Minerva Drake
These Drakes  moved on to Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and Wisconsin around 1830/40.

I am also interested in knowing where you found the marriage record of James Seely and the unknown Galloway? Any info you could provide concerning this record would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you concerning the Seelys.

Requester:Susan Scott
Requester Address:sscotty@cox.net

Response Info:

May 2005 -
Is James T. Seeley listed on the 1810 and 1820 census in Williamson, Ontario Co., NY the same James Seeley listed on the 1800 census in Romulus, Seneca Co., NY ? The James Seeley listed in Romulus married Miss Galloway and is the son of John Seeley and Mary Corner Seeley. James Seeley's daughter, Betsey Elizabeth Seeley, married Francis Drake in Ovid, Seneca Co., NY. Their grandson was James Thomas Drake. As there is no Thomas in our Drake line, this may be where the name came from. Any help will be appreciated!

Responder:Susan Cox (sscotty@cox.net)

Query Number: 0405-2 Mary Angell Miller Seeley
Query Date: 04-15-2004
Requested Info:

According to the 1997 revised edition of The Descendants of Robert Seeley and Obadiah Seeley Mary Angell Miller is indeed the wife of Obadiah and the widow of John Miller. There is no indication there that Mary remarried after Obadiah's death. Can someone on the Query Team let Wilma and me know if there is further information on Mary Angell Seeley and any relationship to the Scofields.

Requester:Linda Crocker
Requester Address:llc100@hotmail.co.uk

Response Info:

I have been doing some research on my son-in-law's ancestry which includes the SEELEY family. A correspondent of mine indicated that there is an unsubstantiated report that Mary, widow of Obadiah, was remarried after his death to David SCOFIELD.

I noted also in that page which I printed that there was conflicting data regarding Mary. One portion of the file identified her as the daughter of James and Anna Elliot Angel and widow of John Miller who died in 1642. Another portion of the file was a family group sheet which identified her as Mary ANGEL and listed those same parents but also said that Mary HUSTED MILLER, sister of Robert HUSTER and widow of John MILLER, married Obadiah Seely about 1648. Can you clarify this? I am inclined to believe that she was indeed the daughter of James and Anna ANGEL.

Thank you for any information you can provide in this matter.

Responder:Wilma Diesen

Query Number:0402-5
Query Date:01-05-2004
Requested Info:

I received a call from a newspaper reporter who has as an ongoing project for about 30 years been researching the story of Ca. admission to the Union. A woman who was the mother of Mary Helen(Seeley) Crosby reportedly had great influence with Wm. Seward re: him dropping his objection to admission because of the Fugitive Slavery law. (reportedly he once proposed to this woman) The possibility is that this woman's name was Seeley before marrying Crosby; hence Mary Helen's middle name of Seeley. The woman in question may have been from Orange Co. N.Y. This woman had a great part in Ca. history. In a separate letter I'm sending a copy of the information that was sent me with possibly more to come by USPS. I'm sending John's & Dan's email address to the reporter John Trumbo so he may correspond direct. This could be a very interesting person for our Seeley lady book.

Requester:Marshall B Seelye
Requester Address:mseelye@localnet.com

Response Info:

Mary Helen Crosby
Step-daughter of Elisha O. Crosby
Married: Major Samuel J. Hensley
April 7, 1851 Santa, Clara Co, California
On October 18, 1850 Helen Crosby arrived in San Francisco on the steamship Oregon.
Tucked in the folds of her umbrella were the documents announcing the admission of California into the Union as a State.

I very much appreciate anything you can do to help me in this project about California history. I'm most interested in getting the full name of Mary Helen Crosby's mother, and to learn who was her natural father. Elisha O. Crosby was her step-father.

Responder:John Trumbo,
Kennewick, Wash. 99337

Query Number: 0402-4  William J. Seeley
Query Date:12-04-2003
Requested Info:

Looking for any info on

(B) May 21, 1859
(D) April 3, 1935
(M) August 1, 1884

(B) June 7, 1865
(D) March 25, 1908

(B) July 16, 1882
(D) January 4, 1971
(M) December 17, 1920
(B) May 17, 1896
(D) October 6, 1986


B) October 2, 1921
(D) August 10, 1991
(M) June 30, 1941

(B) January 24, 1924

(B) August 25, 1957

I have never found any link to anyone.

Requester: Judy Seeley Price
Requester Address:JKSP1957@AOL.COM

Query Number:0402-3 Ezra Seeley
Query Date:12-04-2003
Requested Info:

I am interested in an Ezra 'Doc' Seeley who was b. in 1795 and d. in 1864 and is buried in the Princeton, MO cemetery. His father was from Canada and he was married to an Elisa/Eliza Jane from PA.

 This Ezra shares some particulars with SGS 865. The entry in the 7th Generation volume has some ???

Maybe these are 2 different Ezra's?

Requester:Mary Anne Seeley Pyle
Requester Address:marypyle@hotmail.com

Response Info:

I have learned some more about Ezra D Seeley/Seely (b 1799 Vermont, 1850 & 60 census data or 1795 Canada by family data. Ezra D. Seely is listed in the 1850, district 51 Livingston Co. MO census as Ezra D Seely/age 51 physician b Vermont, Wife Susan age 36, daughter Evaline B, age 17 b Ohio, and son Ezra "O or D" age 15, b Ohio. In 1860 he is listed in Mercer Co MO in the town of Princeton as Ezra D Seeley, age 61, physician, b 1799 Vermont with a new wife, Eliza Jane age 27, and two small children E.D. (Ezra D. b 1856) and E. J. (Eliza Jane b 1858). I found a deed in Livingston Co deeds, Vol H, page 215, reel C4016 where Ezra D Seeley and his wife Eliza Jane of Mercer Co are replacing a lost deed to his daughter Evaline B. Manning for lots 5 & 6 in Block 52 in Chillicothe. Ezra D. was a Justice of the Peace in Livingston Co., and signed documents as Seely. In Mercer Co,the deeds are made out to Ezra D. Seeley.

Eliza Jane's last name is Bradford. I ordered Ezra D. b 1856 d 1921, death's certificate to find that information.

I have a clue, but not definite proof of Susan's last name. An Ezra Seeley married a Susan Boyce in Meigs Co. Ohio 31 Dec. 1831. ( Meigs Co Ohio Marriages, Roll 560 243 o31345) So far, I haven't found out what happened to Susan, his first wife between 1850 and 1856 when Eliza Jane appears as his wife. In Livingston Co he did sign over a piece of property to Susan Seely in 1852 for lot 7, Block 52 in Chillicothe. The deed was filed through the court in 1854.

I have found no more listings of his 15 year old son, Ezra "O or D" in 1850. I looked with & around the census data about his sister, have checked the MO. Civil War Volunteers. So far nothing.

Ezra may be a physician, but he didn't register in the State of Missouri. I checked the registry for that time period in the state, and he is not listed. Ezra likes to buy and sell property. So far I have found 4 real estate transactions in Livingston Co, and 3 in Mercer. I haven't finished looking in Mercer Co as yet! Ezra dies in 1864, and I am still in the late 1850's, so I'm certain there are more property exchanges.

Responder:Mary Anne Pyle

Query Number: 0402-2 Zachariah/Zacharius Seeley
Query Date: 12-04-2003
Requested Info:Joy is the daughter of Charles Ernest Seeley. He is the son of Charles L. Seeley.

Charles L. Seeley was b. 22 Sept. 1829 in NY. He had a brother named Stephen and his father was Zachariah or Zacharius Seeley.Charles L. moved with his family to Michigan and eventually ended up in KS where he died in September 1917. Does anyone recognise this family?

Requester Address:Hulbert@tcworks.net

Query Number:  0402-1 Sarah Seeley
Query Date:12-04-2003
Requested Info:

Sarah Seeley b. 1751 in Huntington, Suffolk, NY and d. 18 Dec. 1830 in Schaghticoke, Rensselaer, NY.

She m. in Schaghticoke Thomas Ireland b. 1746 in Huntington, Suffolk, NY and d. 10 Dec. 1811 in Schaghticoke, Rensselaer, NY (son of Thomas Ireland). They had 14 children b. between 1770 and 1797. Judy has their names, birthdates, etc. She also has a copy of Thomas Ireland's will.

Requester:Judy Lock
Requester Address: JCLock0514@aol.com

Response Info: I can't locate Sarah in the SGS publications. Does anyone have information on her? If so please contact me and Judy.
Responder:From: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor