Intro to the 2006 Stott Research Report on Obadiah Seeley

2006 Research Report on the ancestors of immigrant Obadiah Seeley who died in Stamford, CT in 1657.

This Research Report consists of two parts.

  • The first is a 27 April 2006 Research Outline by Clifford L. Stott, C.G., A.G. It summarizes what was known of immigrant Obadiah Seeley’s origin based on information the Seeley Genealogical Society provided to Stott and the Outline recommends ten research objectives.
  • The second is Mr. Stott’s Research Report to the Seeley Genealogical Society dated 22 July 2006.

NOTE: For many years the Seeley Genealogical Society thought immigrant Obadiah Seeley was related to immigrant Robert Seeley who apparently arrived in New England with the Winthrop Fleet in 1630. However, DNA analysis of descendants of both Obadiah Seeley and Robert Seeley’s son, Nathaniel Seeley, indicate Obadiah and Robert were not closely related. For more information on the Seeley DNA Test Project, go to

SGS Research