(Death Certificate Transcription)
Sonoma County Certificate #: 3-2000-49-003327
Carl J. R. SEELEY, Male, Caucasian
Married - Spouse: Elizabeth May Edwards
Father: Ira Orton Seeley born MN
Mother: Anna Francis O'Brien born WA
DOD: 11/12/2000 @ 1250
Age 77
DOB: 04/20/1923 in CA
SS#: 558-26-2769
Years of Schooling: 15
Occupation: Computer Services, Oil Refinery, 40 years
Place of Death: Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, 1165 Montgomery Dr., Santa Rosa, CA
Residence: 4335 Leafwood Circle West, Santa Rosa, CA
Time in Sonoma County: 10
Military Service - Yes
Informant: Wife - Same Address
Cause of Death: Advanced prostate cancer - 1 year
Funeral Home: Neptune Society of Northern CA
Cremation on 11/14/2000- Not Embalmed
To Residence, Brien Seeley, 4370 Raymonde Way, Santa Rosa, CA