Burton Alpheus SEELEY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
City and County of San Francisco Local Registered No: 7103
Burton Alpheus SEELEY, Male, Caucasian
Married – Minna Heise
Father: Frank SEELEY, born: New York
Mother: Emily Bigelow, born: Pennsylvania
DOD: October 10, 1968
Age 82 years
DOB: January 16, 1885, born Iowa
Occupation: Retired Army Officer, 43 years, U.S. Army
SSN: 553-44-1326
Place of Death: Letterman General Hospital, Presidio of San Francisco
Residence: 216 Laurel Place, San Rafael, Marin County, California
Informant: Minna Seeley, San Rafael
Length of Stay: In San Francisco: 2 months; in California 20 years
Cause of Death: Arteriosclerotic heart disease severe – 6 years
Contributory: Acute pyelonerhritis
Entombment: 10/14/1968 Mt. Tamalpais Cemetery, San Rafael
Funeral Director: Harry M. William Mortuary, San Rafael .

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