Russell Ned SEELEY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
City and County of San Francisco Local Registered No:
Russell Ned SEELEY, Male, Caucasian
Married – Anna Maria Moreno
Father: Wiley N. SEELEY, born: England
Mother: Tillie Ward, born: Pennsylvania
DOD: December 8, 1968
Age 69 years
DOB: October 10 1899, born Pennsylvania
Occupation: Enlisted Sergeant, U.S. Air Force, 33 years, U.S. Air Force
SSN: 546-26-9853
Place of Death: Letterman General Hospital, Presidio of San Francisco
Residence: 1103 Irwin Street, San Rafael, Marin County, California
Informant: Anna Maria M. Seeley, San Rafael
Length of Stay: In San Francisco: 21 days; in California 6 years
Cause of Death: Retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Contributory: Chronic strial fibrillation due to generalized atherosclerosis
Burial: 12/12/1968 Willamette Cemetery, Portland, Oregon
Funeral Director: Redwood Chapel, Novato, Calif .

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