Walter R. SEELEY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
City and County of San Francisco Local Registered No: 8181
Walter R. SEELEY, Male, White,
Married – Lillie SEELEY
Father: Charles Seeley, born Pennsylvania
Mother: Julia Pemperton, born Kentucky
DOD: December 14, 1931
Age 47 years, 11months, 21 days
DOB: December 23, 1883, born Kansas
Occupation: Painter
Place of Death: San Francisco Hospital
Length of Residence: at place of death: 15 years, in California, 20 years
Informant: Supt. San Francisco Hospital San Francisco
Cause of Death: Sarcomatous, right upper thigh with metastases to lungs, pleurae and mediastinal glands and retroperitoneal glands.
Burial: 12/17/1931 Olivet Memorial Park
Funeral Director:: 771 – 777 Valencia St., San Francisco

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