Ronald Seely - Doris Fern Dougan


Ronald Seely and Doris Fern Dougan of Iowa Falls were united in marriage last Friday noon at the Immanuel Evangelical and Reformed parsonage in Alden, the vows being read by the pastor, Rev. L.J. Eilers. They were attended by Eugene Swart and Miss Eva Mae Dougan, sister of the bride.

The bride wore a street length dress of powder puff blue with blue accessories and a red rose corsage, and her attendant a street length dress of brown linen with brown accessories and a jonquil corsage. The bridegroom and attendant wore business suits.

Following the ceremony, the wedding dinner was served at the Cabin Camp at Iowa Falls, followed by a reception at the home of bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Dougan. They will make their home in the Cottage community where the groom has been employed.

Published in the Alden Times, March 4, 1943 front page

[Grandson of SGS # 2560 – Ronald L.; Fred; Malvin Howland (# 2560); Elason/Alanson (# 923); Ebenezer, Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]